Thursday, June 30, 2011

Operative ways to Quality Content Writing-II

Implicitly, what I write now has a lot more than what I literally do in my profession...Well verbosely clear though, content writing always demands a finely graspable essence from whatever is authored... Neater, sensible and ideal particularity could invite credible traffic with a smarter YES to elevating your work over peers on Google search. Remember, Google and Search Engine Optimization techniques don’t change everyday, but, from second to minute, there are numerous blogs and sites that emerge to factually stiffen the ever happening page rank war. Until now, conventionalities aren’t fading to leave way to innovative techniques. Functional tips to content writing range from simpler yet essentially hunted strategies.

PPP or Penning Perception Perfectly

Here it goes… A very vital nevertheless frequently overlooked strategy is PPP or penning perception perfectly…. It’s a big mistake if you’re missing out to put your thoughts in writing…Standards of a content writer are solely based on articulacy in writing… When you aren’t clear enough to write what you literally think, it means your content won’t go a long way to challenge its peers… Another fundamental strategy, something that you need to effectively understand is Subtle writing with never a word that leaves your traffic or reader miffed… no doubt, a wholly sarcastic way of authoring is an additional defect to the developmental aspect… Ensure, you write clearly identifiable English else, drastic or gradual, failure could be knocking your doors.


I don’t think Chandler is fond of cookies… He would be hopping mad if I prepared some for tea…

So I just tried modifying the sentence, however no changes in meaning incorporated...


I don’t think chandler likes cookies… He would be angry if I baked some for tea…

Is fond of could be replaced by Likes and Hopping mad by angry… art of preparing cookies corresponds to Baking…

Cut the Purple Prose!

Purple Prose isn’t a technical term… It certainly denotes writing that’s overdosed with adverbs… pointless explanation and unnecessary use of words can potentially ruin everything … So its time you cut redundancies, write powerfully with enhanced decisiveness… If you keep using an adverb next to a noun or a verb all the time, possibly to elevate the meaning or to turn it stylish, it wouldn’t sound all that appealing to read… However, use of adverbs is acceptable within the grounds of trendy writing…


Your work is reasonably good and I am sure strategies are clearly fathomable


Your work is fair and I am sure strategies are comprehensible

Reasonably good describes fair, good and decent. You don’t have to make it a big word like clearly fathomable, instead comprehensible fits really well…

The Real Push in Writing

Lastly, persistence or the “never giving up” kind of quality is what you need in writing… if you stick to a point that strongly decorates your work, then its time you should put an end to backing out… make sure you don’t keep switching views whilst strongly emphasizing the theme… frankly, some concepts demand controversial rejections, but sensible arrangement of words can drive in traffic that approves whatever you write…

With a neat line of attack, justifiable statements and tidy writing, your content can rule for years…