Sunday, April 17, 2011

Saint Bernard- Bigger, Smarter and lovely Rescue Dogs Ever!

I’m here again starting off with another dog breed that needs no demanding vindication… Saint Bernard dogs primarily rescue travelers and snow stuck hikers in extreme altitudes finally branding it the Swiss national dog roughly in the year 1887….

A Saint Bernard is huge headed, muscular and powerful and never docile making it quite idiomatic from other larger breeds… The dog’s weight could be no lesser than a 50 kg or 110 pounds with a considerable tallness of 27.5 inches… You can have a mixture of colors like white and light brown and sometimes a lighter tinge… He possesses the best sense of smell that any dog can’t easily have... With drooping lips though, there’s no rescue breed that can match powers of Saint Bernard… He can operate on slippery snows with a keen ability to smell something that’s gone deep down… Yeah… There’s yet another interesting fact… Saint Bernards are far shrewder that they find spot on possibilities for upcoming avalanches and snow storms...

Getting to know types are far easier… Just two... A long haired and short haired nevertheless both need patterned grooming to keep the places neater with no hair assured... However, the long haired variety is less popular now…

Petting Saint Bernard needs a lot more sincere care and regulating everyday exercise….Besides being big, the dogs take a longer time to mature mentally and wear a prudent rescue dog’s tag... you shouldn’t be gnashing your teeth at him because if you aren’t patient, then things might take a different turn which you possibly cant expect… always balance the food with healthier supplements and get him physically fit… Well, training should be tough… Saint Bernards are conflicting in how they behave to what they are, make great pets with a safer support to children…

All you need to be doing is give ample time for the dog to mature mentally alongside finer training that can successfully incorporate the best practices of a rescue dog to a smarter pet… All the best..!!!