Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Adverbs- on an Author’s Standpoint

To transform my content learnable and refreshing, I guess what I pen now could reasonably serve the purpose….I, personally love becoming skilled at whatever I find interesting…. On a diverse stance of how the world is, stretching your topics to write is something that’s absolutely inevitable, if really not, failure’s at your doorstep….

Adverbs…. It’s one of the most amazing parts of speech…it can work from adding some extra spice to a word to what it is actually supposed to do… Adverbs can range to denote manner, time, frequency, degree and comment… Alright let me not go deep into types with just a few examples.


Mike is voraciously eating his steak.


I’ll be back in a minute.


The game I play is oddly comforting.


Sometimes, it’s far worse than what you expect.


Frankly, your content needs elaboration.

So here, all you should know is adverbs of time and frequency are quite similar with lesser impact on other parts of speech especially the verb…

Manner is when you actually describe the verb with some sort of emphasis… That’s what you’ll exactly see in the above example… and again a lot of writers confuse degree and manner… clearly, Manner reveals the emphasis where degree tells you how strong or weak the emphasis is….

For Comment, things can be different… In comments, adverbs always find place in the beginning of the phrase… The impact that an adverb has in case of a comment is large and on the entire phrase… You will find the adverb of comment in majority nowhere next to the verb…

Right use of adverbs can consequently map to an additional color to what you write…You also need to be quite aware that adverbs can elevate you with positive spice, when not employed accurately it can leave ways to ruin…

  • Keep in mind that you largely avoid nonsense adverbs where in reality they have no work…instances are chiefly big, reasonably moderate, elaborately explained and those having same meaning…
  • Take out your big words on Adverb Category…
  • Make sure you mix adverbs suitably…
  • Don’t ever make traffic search for “BIG WORD” meanings... Tell you what they come back with a letdown and never understand the real time essence of the word that you insert…
  • This is another important “No nonsense guideline” to remember… If you use an adverbial meaning “cried loudly” for a simple word like “scream”, then its time for you to tag an END to what you have been senselessly doing so far…
  • Stop the over use of adverbs in any article you pen like using double adverbs… That’s in fact grammatically incorrect…
  • When you are in a need to use an adverb as an adjective make sure you use the right one… You can say he is a good man but never a well man… Employ carefully…

However, penning content requires just the apt placement of words with zero grammatical errors… Sadly, if you get to miss what you should not, then your content can completely divert popularity and interest…personally, I am not sensibly dimensioned to use adverbs though with still a lot of errors cropping here and there .... My research on adverbs will continue...

Live your content than literally write!!!!!