A lot of sources report scanty detections across the western parts of the United States, no harm was encountered though... The levels aren’t alarming with safety measures already on the kick start….
Sea weed and fresh water samples were found affected by radiation furthermore giving people a slight fear on what is happening…. Nuclear radiations are endangering and they best possibly cause a lot more potential risks than what can just be a health effect….
Radioactive isotopes including Iodine 131 and Xenon 133 passed through the water and are obvious leakages from the Fukushima Daiichi Reactor.., However higher levels of such isotopes can cause Thyroid and skin cancers… The isotopic radiations travel up the air reaching the troposphere which means its latently jeopardizing…..
So, there’s good news for sea food lovers… Fishes and aqua species aren’t affected by the nuclear leakage from the power plant…. Salmons and fish species that swim around the extreme north western areas haven’t picked up any radiations whatsoever there are radiations passing over the area…. The No. 2 reactor of Fukushima Daiichi emitted reasonably larger levels of radiations eventually reflecting on the water around the reactor reported by IAEA..
Parts of South Eastern China encounter slightly higher levels of radiation in food, water and air nevertheless less alarming…. Few hours back, the UK encountered milder levels of radiation that are no higher than those previously measured in the central parts of Europe….
Japan put a halt to the import of seafood and other food merchandise however other countries aren’t brave enough to take them to their land for distribution….
Yet again, all officials continuously keep monitoring the levels of isotopic radiations in different areas of the world reporting a pattern of rise or drop in the ranges furthermore cautioning people genuinely if required…..